Waste not your precious time analyzing the meaning of words of the _Discourses_ and in devising ways and means to make your married life compatible to the sexual/biological urges according to the written word
Eruch Jessawala
وقت گرانبهاي خود را به تجزيه و تحليل معناي كلام در مقالات و تدبير راهكارها و ابزار جهت همسـاز كردن زندگي زناشويي با اميال زيستي_جنسي بر اساس جملات عنوان شده صرف نكنيد
ایرج جساوالا
- Author
- MeherBabaIrani.com
- Created on
- Friday 25 January 2013
- Dimensions
- 384*329
- Filesize
- 69 KB
- Visits
- 8604
- Rating score
- 4.70 (2 rates)
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