Written by MeherBabaIrani on . Posted in Meher Baba calling

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If you can love Me, love God. Your love will make you know Me. If you can make others happy through your love without seeking your own happiness, you can free yourself from this bondage. You can then find Me as I really am. No sooner do you get that Experience then you feel liberated and experience infinite Bliss.

God's Grace makes you love Me. My Grace makes you One with Me. If any number of calamities befall you and still you keep a smiling face, this may lead you to become like dust, and you can become like dust only if you possess the highest type of love for Me.

To love God as He ought to be loved, you must live for God and die for God, knowing that the goal of all life is to love God, and find Him as your own Self.

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